MAC Address Converter

Convert a mac address between integer, hexadecimal, dot notation and more!



Other Info

Media Access Control (MAC) address

Identifier given to a network interface that has been attached to a physical network segment. Each network interface has a unique MAC address. These addresses are used in many modern technologies, such as Ethernet and WiFi.

Notation conventions for MAC addresses vary, most of which are covered within this tool. The most common notations are hexadecimal notation and bit-reversed notation, both of which format the MAC address in 6 groups of 2 hexadecimal digits.


IEEE global identifier standard that is associated with 48-bit MAC addresses. These identifiers consist of 24-bits for the organization identifier, and 24-bits for the extension identifier. EUI-48 replaces the older term "MAC-48".


IEEE global identifier standard associated with 64-bit MAC addresses. These identifiers consist of 24-bits for the organization identifier, and 40-bits for the extension identifier.