WarpSpeed VPN

Deploy in 60 seconds

WarpSpeed is a simple web-based VPN server powered by the open source WireGuard® protocol. WarpSpeed makes it easy for anyone to access their cloud infrastructure securely. It can also be used to enable remote workers to safely access the internet from anywhere.


  • Simple web-based administration
  • High performance WireGuard protocol
  • Ultra low-latency connectivity
  • Real-time Bandwidth Monitoring
  • Security Audit Log
  • Auto-generated Configs with QR Codes
  • Supports official WireGuard clients


  • Google G Suite
  • Office365 / Azure Active Directory
  • Okta
  • SAML 2.0


  • 1 User
  • 2 Devices
  • 3 Day Connection History
  • Community Support
  • No credit card required


  • Unlimited Users
  • Unlimited Devices
  • Unlimited Connection History
  • SSO using SAML 2.0
  • Priority Support
  • Cancel anytime

1. Open required ports on your Vultr firewall

Using Vultr's Network Firewall feature, you will need to enable network access to your VM:

  • Inbound TCP port 80 (Let's Encrypt TLS certificate verification)
  • Inbound TCP port 443 (encrypted web control panel traffic)
  • Inbound UDP port 51820 (WireGuard VPN protocol)

Link: https://my.vultr.com/firewall/

NOTE: To enable VPN access to any private networks or servers, your VPN server itself must have access to those as well (e.g. be on the correct VPCs).

2. Connect to your WarpSpeed instance

Using your ssh key or the default password, ssh to your instance:

ssh root@use.your.ip

  • IP Address: use.your.ip
  • Username: root
  • Password: use.your.root.password

NOTE: If you can't connect, you may need to open TCP port 22 from your IP address.

3. Run the install script

When prompted enter "Y" or type sudo warpspeed-installer.sh to run the install script.

You will be asked a few simple questions in order to complete the installation, which will only take a few seconds.

NOTE: If you get an error upon running the installer script, your instance may still be initializing. Wait a minute or two and try again.

Need Help?

If you require any assistance, please email support@bunker.services and we'll be happy to help!

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