MooseFS is a Petabyte Open Source Network Distributed File System. It is easy to deploy and maintain, highly reliable, fault tolerant, highly performing, easily scalable and POSIX compliant.
MooseFS spreads data over a number of commodity servers, which are visible to the user as one resource. For standard file operations MooseFS acts like ordinary Unix-like file system
To mount MooseFS on any machine that needs access:
apt install moosefs-client
sudo mfsmount -H use.your.ip /mnt/moosefs -o mfspassword=Password
For enhanced performance and reliability, we recommend using block storage with your MooseFS server.
* An attached block storage subscription
* SSH access to your MooseFS server
Setup Steps
1. Create a mount point and format the block device:
mkdir /mnt/block_storage
mkfs.xfs /dev/vdb
/dev/vdb /mnt/block_storage xfs defaults 0 2
Mount the storage and set permissions:
mount -A
chown -R mfs:mfs /mnt/block_storage
Configure MooseFS to use the block storage:
echo "/mnt/block_storage" > /etc/mfs/mfshdd.cfg
systemctl stop moosefs-master
mfsmaster -a
killall mfsmaster || true
systemctl restart moosefs-chunkserver
systemctl start moosefs-master
For enhanced performance and reliability, we recommend using Vultr File Systems with your MooseFS server.
* An attached Vultr File Systems Subscription
* SSH access to your MooseFS server
Setup Steps
1. Create a mount point and mount your VFS subscription:
mkdir /mnt/vfs
2. Mount your VFS Subscription (Command available in your VFS Subscription Management Page)
mount -t virtiofs <your-vfs-mount-id-here (i.e.77306467)> /mnt/vfs
3. Configure automatic mounting by adding this line to /etc/fstab
<your-vfs-mount-id-here (i.e.77306467)> /mnt/vfs virtiofs defaults 0 0
4. Mount the storage (if not already mounted in step 2) and set permissions:
mount -A
chown -R mfs:mfs /mnt/vfs
5. Configure MooseFS to use the VFS Storage:
echo "/mnt/vfs" > /etc/mfs/mfshdd.cfg
systemctl stop moosefs-master
mfsmaster -a
killall mfsmaster || true
systemctl restart moosefs-chunkserver
systemctl start moosefs-master
For enhanced performance, reliability, and scalability, you can add more MooseFS VMs to your Vultr File System Subscription.
* A previous MooseFS Server already attached to the Vultr File Systems Subscription
* An additional server attached to the same Vultr File Systems Subscription
* SSH access to your MooseFS server
* The IP of the first MooseFS Server
Setup Steps
1. Disable the master service on any additional MooseFS Servers attached to this VFS subscription (you only want one master service running)
systemctl disable --now moosefs-master
killall mfsmaster || true
2. Point additional MooseFS VMs to the MooseFS VM running the Master Service by editing /etc/mfs/mfschunkserver.cfg
3. Create a mount point and mount your VFS subscription:
mkdir /mnt/vfs
4. Mount your VFS Subscription (Command available in your VFS Subscription Management Page)
mount -t virtiofs <your-vfs-mount-id-here (i.e.77306467)> /mnt/vfs
5. Configure automatic mounting of your VFS Subscription by adding this line to /etc/fstab
<your-vfs-mount-id-here (i.e.77306467)> /mnt/vfs virtiofs defaults 0 0
6. Mount the storage (if not already mounted in step 4) and set permissions:
mount -A
chown -R mfs:mfs /mnt/vfs
7. Configure MooseFS to use the VFS Storage:
echo "/mnt/vfs" > /etc/mfs/mfshdd.cfg
systemctl restart moosefs-chunkserver
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