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Preview of the Vultr management interface for k3s on a mobile device.
k3s logo|trans
Preview of the Vultr server deploy page control panel for k3s on a web browser.

K3s Deployment Stack


K3s Deployment Stack is a comprehensive solution designed to streamline the deployment of applications via Kubernetes. Leveraging the power of k3s, this preconfigured deployment package eliminates the complexities associated with setting up your Kubernetes environment, enabling you to focus solely on deploying your applications seamlessly.

Key Features

  • Kubernetes Deployment: Enjoy a hassle-free Kubernetes deployment process with K3s Deployment Stack. The entire setup is preconfigured, allowing you to kickstart your deployment without the need for extensive configuration.

  • Preinstalled Tools: K3s Deployment Stack comes equipped with essential tools such as kubectl and helm, ensuring that you have everything you need at your fingertips to manage and orchestrate your Kubernetes deployment effortlessly. All the necessary containers and services are also preinstalled and configured for you.

How It Works

  1. Deploy with Ease: Simply deploy K3s Deployment Stack on your preferred infrastructure, and you'll have a fully functional Kubernetes environment at your disposal within minutes.

  2. Access Preinstalled Tools: Utilize the preinstalled kubectl and helm commands to manage your Kubernetes cluster efficiently.

  3. Deploy Applications Seamlessly: Leverage the power of Kubernetes to deploy your applications effortlessly.

Get Started

Experience the simplicity and efficiency of deploying applications with K3s Deployment Stack. Get started today and unlock the full potential of your Kubernetes environment.


k3s is a preconfigured Kubernetes deployment via k3s. Everything required to get started with
deploying your app is installed and ready to go. Follow the instructions bellow to become familiar with your
new k3s deployment and how to use it.

Login to your k3s

Login to your k3s via SSH with the user and password provided above.

For your convenience this k3s app comes with kubectl and helm installed and configured for the root
user. You may deploy to and manage your k3s via the root user and SSH directly.

If you would rather work with kubectl on your own device feel free to follow the instructions bellow on how
to do so.

Install Kubectl

Please follow the guide bellow for your operating system,

Install Helm

Please follow the guide bellow,

Get your k3s kubeconf

To retrieve you kubeconf follow these steps,

  • Login to your k3s via SSH
  • Run the following command
    cat /root/k3s-public.yaml

Setup kubeconf

When you have your kubeconf text. Paste it into the following file based on which operating system
you are using.





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