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Preview of the Vultr management interface for Forgejo on a mobile device.
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Preview of the Vultr server deploy page control panel for Forgejo on a web browser.

Forge great software with Forgejo

Take back control of your software development process, self-host your projects and get everyone involved in delivering quality software on the same page.

Brought to you by an inclusive community under the umbrella of Codeberg e.V., a democratic non-profit organization, Forgejo can be trusted to be exclusively Free Software. It focuses on security, scaling, federation and privacy. Learn more about how it compares with other forges.

Forgejo Details

To view the publicly accessible instance, visit https://use.your.ip/. See our instructions to bypass the HTTPS warning for self-signed SSL/TLS certificates if a Commercial or Let's Encrypt SSL/TLS certificate is not going to be installed (instructions for both options are below).

Configuration and Administration

Once the instance has finished booting and installing the required software, navigate to https://use.your.ip to complete the Forgejo installation process. The installer will prompt for database settings, which are as follows:
* Database Username: forgejoDatabase User
* This textbox will be populated by default with root and will need to be replaced with this username
* Database Password: forgejoDatabase Password
* Database Name: forgejoDatabase Name
* This textbox will be populated by default with gitea and will need to be replaced with this name

Under General settings, the Server domain and Base URL can be changed to a DNS name that resolves to the server's IP address. Otherwise, only the Instance title and Instance slogan can be changed without making changes to the Docker compose file stored at /home/forgejo/docker-compose.yaml. It is recommended to ensure the Disable self-registration checkbox is selected.

Unless self-registration is enabled, it will then be necessary to create an Administrator account before proceeding with instance finalization.

Then, click the Install Forgejo button and wait a few moments while final configuration changes are saved and applied. Once complete, the browser will redirect to a logged-in view of the new Forge!

HTTPS: SSL/TLS Certificates

To access the server with a domain name, instead of use.your.ip, it is possible to register a domain name from a domain registrar, and either follow the registrar's documentation on updating DNS records, or utilize Vultr's DNS.

Once DNS has finished propagating, and the registered domain name resolves to use.your.ip, connect to the server via console or SSH as the root user.

Let's Encrypt via Certbot

Certbot is installed by default on Vultr's Forgejo Marketplace app. If you need to update or reinstall, please see the recommended installation steps at

Requesting a Certificate

The below example shows installing multi-domain certificate for the bare or root domain of as well as the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of The email provided is used for registering an account with Let's Encrypt and is not sent to Vultr:
# certbot --nginx --redirect -d -d -m --agree-tos --no-eff-email
Upon successfully requesting certificates, a message should be shown that includes text similar to the following:

Successfully deployed certificate for to /etc/nginx/conf.d/forgejo.conf
Congratulations! You have successfully enabled HTTPS on

Revoking a Certificate

In case a certificate issued by Let's Encrypt via certbot is to be revoked, or otherwise needs to be uninstalled, these steps should be followed:
1. Back up current web server configuration files:
# cp -r /etc/nginx /root/nginx
2. Revoke the certificate:
# certbot delete
3. Restore default web server configuration:
# /opt/vultr/

Commercial SSL/TLS Certificate

If a commercial certificate is desired instead of the free Let's Encrypt certificate, install the public certificate as /etc/nginx/ssl/server.crt and the private key as /etc/nginx/ssl/server.key. Refer to the certificate vendor's documentation for any further details. Once these files are in place, reboot the server to ensure all services are using the correct certificate: # reboot

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