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3CX Phone System
Preview of the Vultr management interface for 3CX Phone System on a mobile device.
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3CX Phone System
Preview of the Vultr server deploy page control panel for 3CX Phone System on a web browser.

3CX is a business communications solution that offers companies of all sizes with a complete package for calls, video and live chat, out of the box. With integrated video conferencing, apps for Android and iOS, website live chat, SMS, Facebook and WhatsApp messaging integration, 3CX boosts employee productivity and enhances the customer experience.

3CX is open-standards, allowing you to choose from a selection of supported IP Phones and SIP Trunks that best suit your business needs and budget. Installation, management and use of 3CX is extremely easy and straightforward saving you time on phone system management and maintenance.

Pricing is based on the number of simultaneous calls you need, not on the number of users/extensions you have, which also knocks down the cost of ownership tremendously.

Choose between 3CX Dedicated PRO or Enterprise. Both come with their set of Unified Communications features all bundled in the initial price, so there are no hidden costs and extra add-ons.

You can even try 3CX free! https://www.3cx.com/signup/

To start the 3CX Installation Wizard, access the following URL after the droplet has been deployed: http://use.your.ip:5015.

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